Lillian Hoyos
Program Manager
Lillian Hoyos (Program Manager) started in January 2022. As Program Manager of the South/East LA schools, she supports and guides the site teams in implementing the CISLA model.
Prior to CISLA, she worked in supportive services for over five years. Her previous role was with Waymakers as Program Supervisor for the Rape Crisis Center of Orange County, where she supervised the crisis intervention team that provided crisis response to survivors of sexual violence in the Sexual Assault Victim Services Program. In this role, she trained Crisis Counselors (volunteers and staff) to accompany survivors during forensic exams, law enforcement interviews, and attorneys' meetings. They provided ongoing case management services that connected survivors with community resources to assist with any medical, mental, and spiritual needs for their healing path. She also previously worked with Human Services Association, where she implemented three victim services programs (Victims of Crime, Domestic Violence Housing First, and Family Violence and Prevention) that serviced survivors of crime in the Southeast Los Angeles cities. Clients received case management services that helped them connect with long-term support and care through mental health, housing, and financial assistance programs. In all her roles, she has maintained the goal of providing as much care as possible to individuals with trauma. By giving equitable resources, education, and supportive services to the community, she hopes that all will have the opportunities to live happy and fulfilled lives.
Lilli holds a bachelor's degree from California State University, East Bay, in Corrections and Law Enforcement and Administration and an MBA at Claremont Graduate University. She lives in Long Beach and enjoys bike riding at the beach as well as spending time with family and friends.